Pilots fly us to many different places in the world; career development practitioners show us the world of creative possibilities and the potential to be creative.


You are more creative that you think.

Expand your knowledge around what it means to be creative. Gain perspective on your own creative skills and accomplishments. Open up to new occupations that demand your creativity even if you don’t draw, act or sing!


Posted in: Services for Individuals

What people say of Carol

Hi Carol,

I just wanted you to know….that you have been a great help moving forward to find another position in the work force.

I may be eligible to participate in the business owner’s program, which you had suggested awhile back, thank-you.  I just nicely got approved for EI and signed up yesterday for the next term of school which I start next week, part-time of course.

You have given great insight on who I am and how to find places that I will be productive and happy with.

I appreciate all that you have done….please know that you help people in more ways than you know. Thank-you.

Take care,

Kindest Regards,

Sheri L.

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