Custodians take care of building maintenance; a career counsellor helps you with job maintenance.

Career Maintenance

Perhaps you find it easy securing a job but maintaining becomes more challenging. Learn what the warning signs are and how you can become a valued employee.

Posted in: Services for Individuals

What people say of Carol

Hi Carol,

I just wanted you to know….that you have been a great help moving forward to find another position in the work force.

I may be eligible to participate in the business owner’s program, which you had suggested awhile back, thank-you.  I just nicely got approved for EI and signed up yesterday for the next term of school which I start next week, part-time of course.

You have given great insight on who I am and how to find places that I will be productive and happy with.

I appreciate all that you have done….please know that you help people in more ways than you know. Thank-you.

Take care,

Kindest Regards,

Sheri L.

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