Optometrists help us see the world; career counsellors help us see our potential.

Now what? Career assessments

Perhaps you’ve spent two to four years in an educational program and you are not sure of your next step. Possibly you didn’t really enjoy the program but completed it because of the financial investment already made or because finishing something you start is what you do. Many people faced with not finding a job, end up going back to school or continue to wonder “what do I want to do when I grow up”. No matter where you are in your career progression, taking time out to evaluate your career goals, and who you are in relationship to the world of work, is a worthwhile investment of your time and energy.


Posted in: Services for Individuals

What people say of Carol

Hi Carol,

I just wanted you to know….that you have been a great help moving forward to find another position in the work force.

I may be eligible to participate in the business owner’s program, which you had suggested awhile back, thank-you.  I just nicely got approved for EI and signed up yesterday for the next term of school which I start next week, part-time of course.

You have given great insight on who I am and how to find places that I will be productive and happy with.

I appreciate all that you have done….please know that you help people in more ways than you know. Thank-you.

Take care,

Kindest Regards,

Sheri L.

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