A tour guide takes you along a hiking path; a career counsellor helps you determine your educational path.

What comes after high school? Education planning

Education and Training: it’s a big step and a big investment. Student and parents may not be in agreement on the best educational path or next step. University may be the best fit for some high school graduates but it certainly isn’t the only option. Understand the reasons behind attending school; are you motivated simply by learning something that is interesting or are you driven by specific occupational goals? Perhaps you are really good at one particular subject and assume that further education in this subject is the next step. Have you stopped to consider whether just because you are good at it, this is something you truly enjoy? See the vast alternatives are open to you; programs, learning options and schools, apprenticeships, financial considerations and joining the workforce.

Posted in: Services for Individuals

What people say of Carol

I have had the pleasure of working with Carol: first as a Career and Work Counsellor in training at George Brown College, and then later as a Practicum Supervisor working with several of her students. In both capacities, Carol demonstrated her deft touch as an Employment Specialist, encouraging and mentoring those she teaches and works with to excel and master the skills and knowledge required in this field. Carol is extremely experienced and insightful, and she shares her expertise willingly and openly. She is a gifted teacher and facilitator. She is forthright, has a great sense of humour and is the embodiment of professionalism.

Lisa Kelly, Employment Placement Specialist at RNC Employment Services

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