Job Loss
Grief Counsellors help us recover from the loss of someone special; career counsellors help us recover from the loss of a job and identity.
For some people loosing a job can be the push that was needed to move on to something better. For many people there is a deep sense of loss; a mourning period especially if you have worked for that organization for many years. Self confidence can take a huge beating even if your job loss was not related to performance. Do you need some assistance in getting through this difficult time?
Posted in: Services for Individuals
What people say of Carol
Hello Carol,
Wow….I cannot believe the changes this past year since beginning our sessions together in the Fall of 2013.
I had the best year ever in my career in 2014…and am well on my way for 2015.
Your encouragement, attention to detail, pinpointing areas to improve and grow in my career have helped me to achieve success in my current job….2014 winning the “All Star Award” finishing First in every category in my job!
#1 in shop count Sales, #1 in credit card Sales, #1 in website Sales, # in Gross Margin, # in point of sale Sales,
#1 in customer retention…….along with ranking in the Top 3 North America!I am really pleased with your coaching and appreciate the tools you sent to me regarding success map, resiliency articles etc….
they have proved to be a great resource for me and my growth!Thanks again Carol for all your Help!