A Hazardous Materials Specialist helps to ensure your environment is safe; a career counsellor help you manage the toxins in your daily work life.

The Toxic Work Environment

Is an emotionally toxic work environment creating stress and anxiety in your life? This is a far too common experience for many in today’s work force and can contribute to high blood pressure, anxiety attacks, mood swings, depression, migraines and other real physical and mental ailments.   For some people the only way to manage is to leave a job they love. Learn when leaving may be an option to consider. Explore strategies to help you improve your current situation and understand where the toxicity is coming from.

Posted in: Services for Individuals

What people say of Carol

Having Carol as a professor was the missing piece in my development as a Career Counsellor. She brought out the best in me by consistently demonstrating that great teaching motivates and inspires lifelong learning. I still draw on her leadership and positive influence to help me continue to reach further and take the risks I need to succeed in growing my business.

Harlene Weijs, Career and Work Counsellor Program, Toronto, ON

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