Doctors help us maintain our health balance; career counsellors help us with our work/life balance.

Work-life Balance

The lack of a satisfying work/life balance is the classic problem for so many of today’s workforce. The computer was going to save us effort and free up personal time. Instead everything is just moving faster. In today’s world, can work- life balance be achieved? Learn to see your time in a different way.

Posted in: Services for Individuals

What people say of Carol

I have had the pleasure of working with Carol: first as a Career and Work Counsellor in training at George Brown College, and then later as a Practicum Supervisor working with several of her students. In both capacities, Carol demonstrated her deft touch as an Employment Specialist, encouraging and mentoring those she teaches and works with to excel and master the skills and knowledge required in this field. Carol is extremely experienced and insightful, and she shares her expertise willingly and openly. She is a gifted teacher and facilitator. She is forthright, has a great sense of humour and is the embodiment of professionalism.

Lisa Kelly, Employment Placement Specialist at RNC Employment Services

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